Pulak Raha
27 years of experience in the field of Development Communication with national , International organizations and UN in the field social communication, BCC and SMART Media Advocacy initiative.
M. Mahmud Ahamed
Technical Advisor
24 years of experience with health, nutrition, education, disaster risk reduction and social communication teams. Has excellent academic feats and training experiences on RH, communication and BCC events . A great working experience with CBO, National NGO, International NGO and UN agencies.
N. Amin Begmar
Technical Advisor
25 of years experience in the development field at National and International level. Working experiences with MIS, M&E, project evaluation, survey, emergency response and disaster risk reduction teams. Led several project with health and BCC components at national and international level ,working experience with CBO, National NGO, International NGO and UN agencies at home and abroad.
Tarun karmoker
Media Expart
20 years of experience in making video film production especially on development issues. 24 years of experience in still photography on products, events and development topics, especially on women, environment and children. Experienced in cinematography especially on documentary, building up AV archive and providing library services to patrons on a regular basis
Taraq Hassan
IPT Expart
Specialization on community mobilization (vulnerable groups including children) Theatre for Development (TFD), theatre training , developing campaign & communication materials, Monitoring, evaluation and research tools development , paralegal advisory Service, restorative justice & diversion in the community and also capacity building (training module development, and training facilitation)
Taslima Khanam
10 years experience of field level research. Special expertise in social media research, experienced in drama, animation film, developing social documentary script and concept research for GoB, UN and INGOs
Minhazul Abaden
8 years experience of field level program coordination, management and monitoring
Khiruzzaman Khokon
IPT Expart
is a communication for development professional and have been contributing to , development programs in achieving behavior and social change for last 27 years. He experienced on analyzing, developing communication strategies; implementation and monitoring based on research findings to support development programs through community development and other communication approaches. As a development professional, he designed, implemented, conducted/ facilitated training/ workshop and monitored number of development programs to develop CBO and various beneficiaries groups to change the behaviors of the community people on life saving key behaviors, to change their Hygiene-Sanitation-Water uses behavior, to develop their own monitoring & evaluation system, to aware the people about UP;s services, activities of Standing Committees and so on. He has skills in assessing social communication and media activities through implementation of mass awareness program through mass media to community level media for creating social change. I’m also acquainted with development process of culturally relevant communication packages, i.e. TV, radio, print media materials.
Sarowar Jamil
Community Motivation Specialist
Sumi Islam
Worked as a coordinator in Behavioral Change and Communication (BCC) under Mayer Hasi project II. Supported by Engender Health in 2014 to 2016. Worked with Unicef IPT project as a coordinator from 20th December-13th April 2015. Worked with Ipas IPT project as a Team Leader in 2015-2016. Worked on IPT Production Develop workshop as a trainer and coordinator under Unicef project. Worked as a Program Officer on B-skillFULL project funded by Swiss contact-B Worked as a Program Officer on “SHAHANA” Animation Film Story Concept Development Workshop funded by UNFPA. Worked as a Trainer on “Skill Development Workshop under Disaster Management Project at Narayangonj funded by Save the children. Worked as a Trainer on “Skill Development Workshop and IPT show under Disaster Management Project (PROYAS-SEEP) at Mirpur, Jatrabari and Narayangonj funded by Save the children.
Masud Rana
Development Communication Exert
Working in the field of social communication for last 26 years . He experienced on analyzing, developing communication strategies; implementation and monitoring based on research findings to support development programs through community development and other communication approaches. As a development professional, he designed, implemented, conducted/ facilitated training/ workshop and monitored number of development programs to develop CBO and various beneficiaries groups to change the behaviors of the community people on life saving key behaviors, to change their Hygiene-Sanitation-Water uses behavior, to develop their own monitoring & evaluation system.